



A comprehensive Windows automation toolkit that provides precise control over mouse movements, keyboard inputs, window management, and system operations.  Features include smooth cursor movements, global hotkeys, keyboard monitoring, application screenshots, desktop control, system sound management and more. Perfect for creating sophisticated automation apps or adding powerful features  with minimal coding complexity to any project.  This is arguably the most powerful plugin ever developed for VisualNeo for Windows!

Includes multiple sample apps & source with plugin.

Actions List

Date: 02/10/2025 Version: 1.00


VisualNeo Windows Plugin



Action List


Change Log


Mouse/Cursor Control - Complete set of commands for movement, clicking, dragging, scrolling

ezAutoGetMousePosition - Get mouse position X and Y values
ezAutoSetMousePosition - Set mouse position X and Y values
ezAutoMouseButtonDown - Allow you to press and hold down a mouse button, use [mbLeft,mbRight,mbMiddle]
ezAutoMouseButtonUp - Allows you to release the mouse button pressed down with ezMouseButtonDown, use [Left,Right,Middle]
ezAutoMouseClickXY - Click mouse button at position X and Y
ezAutoMouseClick - Click mouse button [Left,Right,Middle], number of clicks, delay
ezAutoMouseClickXYAsync - Click mouse button Async [Left,Right,Middle], delay before click, number of clicks, delay between clicks and final procedure to call
ezAutoMouseMiddleClick - Call MouseMiddleClick wherever you want to trigger the middle mouse button click. It will simulate a middle mouse click at the current cursor position.
ezAutoMoveCursorSmoothly - StartX, StartY: The starting coordinates of the cursor, EndX, EndY: The ending coordinates of the cursor. Speed: The speed of movement,represented as the distance the cursor travels in pixels per step.
ezAutoMouseDragToPosition - Simulates dragging the mouse from one position to another. [Left,Right,Middle],StartX,StartY,EndX,EndY
ezAutoMouseHover - ezMouseHover function implies that the cursor remains stationary at that position for a period of time without any further action, such as clicking.
ezAutoMouseScrollWheel - Scoll the middle mouse wheel button Up or Down a given step count
ezAutoGetSystemWheelScrollLines - This gets the number of lines that Windows is configured to scroll for each notch of the mouse wheel. The setting can be found in Windows under: Settings -> Devices -> Mouse -> Roll the mouse wheel to scroll -> Choose how many lines to scroll each time
ezAutoShakeMouseCursor - Moves the cursor in a small random pattern to simulate activity, can be used for sleep prevention. Parameters: ShakeRadius, ShakeSteps and a delay between movements to simulate natural motion


Keyboard Input - Basic typing, hotkeys, paste, and keyboard monitoring

ezAutoSimulateTextInput - Simulates the input of text by sending keyboard output. It can be used to automate text input tasks in applications or simulate user interaction with text-based interfaces. Sleep time paramter for typing speed. Press escape key to cancel.
ezSendKeys -Send keystrokes to another Windows application. Control another application by simulating keys being typed on the keyboard. Keys like {ShiftDn} must always be paired with {ShiftUp}; otherwise, the keyboard will act as if the Shift key is stuck.
ezAutoPasteClipboard - Simulate pressing Ctrl+V on the keyboard
ezAutoCreateHotKeyManager - Creates a new hotkey manager instance
ezAutoRegisterHotKey - Registers a new global hotkey with Windows using the hotkey manager instance
ezAutoGetHotKeyInfo - Returns detailed information about all registered ezHotKeyManager hotkeys
ezAutoFreeHotKeyManager - Cleans up the hotkey manager and unregisters all hotkeys, this action is also automatically executed when your app shuts down to make sure allocated resources are free.
ezAutoUnRegisterHotKey - Unregisters a specific hotkey by its shortcut ex. Alt-A


Keyboard Monitoring

ezAutoKbdLogStart - Start system wide keyboard monitor logging with Real-time typing simulation or technical log with window context awareness.
ezAutoKbdLogStop - Stop keyboard monitor log
ezAutoKbdLogView - View active keyboard monitor log, select typing or Technical log format
ezAutoKbdReportView - View active keyboard monitor report log
ezAutoKbdStatus - Check to see if keyboard monitor is active, returns True or False


Application Control - Finding/listing processes and screenshot capabilities

ezAutoFindAppDetails - Find and analyze window details, process info, and version data for any running application. Search by processID, filename, classname or window title.  Process data returned in formats of Text (default), CSV or JSON.
ezAutoListExeProcesses - This function will return a list of processes sorted alphabetically by their executable names. Each line will still be in the format "ProcessID,ExeName" but they'll be ordered by ExeName.
ezAutoCloseApp - This function will Close a running application program by fileName or processID or full path/filename. One parameter, close method, "ForceClose" or "RequestClose"'
ezAutoDesktopScreenshot - This function handles common formats effectively and gives flexibility for high-quality screenshots. If using JPEG, you can set JPEG quality (1-100)
ezAutoAppScreenshot - Capture screenshot of your running app, this function handles common formats effectively and gives flexibility for high-quality screenshots. If using JPEG, you can set JPEG quality (1-100)
ezAutoAppScreenshotByTitle - Capture screenshot of any running program with title given, this function handles common formats effectively and gives flexibility for high-quality screenshots. If using JPEG, you can set JPEG quality (1-100)

Application Actions

Window Management - All basic window operations (show, hide, minimize, maximize)

ezAutoHideWindow - Finds a window by its filename, process-id, title or class-name and hides it.
ezAutoShowWindow - Finds a window by its filename, process-id, title or class-name and shows it.
ezAutoMinimizeWindow - Finds a window by its filename, process-id, title or class-name and minimizes it.
ezAutoMaximizeWindow - Finds a window by its filename, process-id, title or class-name and maximizes it.
ezAutoRestoreWindow - Finds a window by its filename, process-id, title or class-name and restores it to its previous state.
ezAutoSetWindowForeground - Finds a window by its filename, process-id, title or class-name and brings to the foreground.
ezAutoGetWindowHandle - Find a window by its filename, process-id, title or class-name and returns the handle.

Windows Actions

Miscellaneous Actions - Desktop access, object control and more.

- Hides all Windows and displays the Windows Desktop
ezAutoGetObjectScreenCoordinates - Get object Screen Coordinates: ObjectName, Left: [var], Top: [var], Right: [var], Bottom: [var]
ezAutoShowDesktopIcons - Hide or Show all the Windows desktop icons, use True or False
ezAutoAreDesktopIconsVisible - returns a boolean indicating whether the desktop icons are currently visible
ezAutoMSGBox - A Windows message dialog that auto-closes after a timeout. Supports standard buttons, icons & Unicode text. Returns results including timeout when closed.
ezAutoGetSystemIdleTime - Use to determine the idle time in seconds, the time of the last user input. Enter a variable for result.
ezAutoGetSystemUpTime - Use this action to simply return the number of seconds since the system was started. Enter a variable for result.
ezAutoSetPowerState - Use this action to set system power state. Use restart, logoff, sleep, hibernate, screensaver or shutdown.

Misc. Actions

UI Element Interaction - Text entry scrolling controls

ezAutoScrollToTop - Scroll a TextEntry object to the Top position without moving the mouse or focusing on the object
ezAutoScrollToBottom - Scroll a TextEntry object to the Bottom position without moving the mouse or focusing on the object
ezAutoScrollTo - Scroll a TextEntry object directly to a specific position (like jumping to position 10) without moving the mouse or focusing on the object
ezAutoScrollBy - Scroll a Text Entry object, moves relative to the current position (like moving up or down 3 lines from wherever you are) without moving the mouse or focusing on the object
ezAutoScrollInitialize - Initiatialize an Automatic Scroller for a TextEntry object, must be used first before using.
ezAutoScrollStart - AutomaticaLLY Scroll a TextEntry object Up or Down
ezAutoScrollStop - Stop the Automatic Scrolling for a TextEntry object
ezAutoScrollFree - Free the Automatic Scroller Object for a TextEntry object, must be used when your finished using the automatic scroller.


System Sound Control - volume control, sound generation

ezAutoGetVolumeLevel - A simple action to retrieve the system volume level from 0-100, Handles both channels (left and right) equally
ezAutoAdjustVolume - A simple action to set the system volume from 0-100, Handles both channels (left and right) equally
ezAutoGetMuteStatus - Get the system volume mute status, returns True or False
ezAutoSetMuteStatus - This action will activate or deactivate the mute status of the system volume, use True to mute volume
ezAutoGenerateTone - Generates a system sound at specified pitch and duration, the function is capable of producing various musical notes and sounds.

System Sound

Screen Savers -more control for you screensaver apps.

ezAutoIsScreensaverEnabled - Use this action to check if a screensaver is enabled. Enter a variable for result.
ezAutoStartScreensaver - Use this action to run the system enabled screensaver.
ezAutoChangeScreensaver - This action will change the screensaver, provide the full path and filename to set your new screensaver active.
ezAutoGetActiveScreensaver - Returns a string with the active system screensaver full path and filename or Empty if not set. Enter a variable for result.
ezAutoDisableScreensaver - Use this action to disable and remove the current Windows screensaver.


Current Change Log

  • 1.00
    First stable version

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